Seeley Lake Lions Club
Seeley Lake Swan Events
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The Seeley Lake Lions Club was instrumental in the renovation of two significant community assets, which it continues to manage and maintain: the Sullivan Memorial Community Hall and the Seeley Lake Lions Club Park (technically Clearwater Park, managed in cooperation with Missoula County).
Since the Lions Club took over the operation of Clearwater Park in 1996, they have added a storage building, an ice skate shed, an outhouse and an asphalt walking path. Members annually mow, control the weeds and clean up trash as well as maintain the winter ice surface for ice skating. Thanks to a recent grant award, the park soon will get new playground equipment. A tractor with mower, snow blade and sweeper brush will be purchased to help with maintenance.
The Seeley Lake Lions Club carries out many service activities designed to enhance Seeley Lake and assist those in need. Community service projects include conducting eye screening in the schools and providing eyeglasses for those unable to purchase their own; distributing emergency firewood to those in need; organizing the annual Easter Egg Hunt; hosting a chili feed at the Rich Ranch Community Appreciation Day; delivering Christmas food baskets; awarding scholarships to Seeley-Swan High School students; and participating in the state's "Adopt a Highway" cleanup.
The Seeley Lake Lions Club was instrumental in the renovation of two significant community assets, which it continues to manage and maintain: the Sullivan Memorial Community Hall and the Seeley Lake Lions Club Park (technically Clearwater Park, managed in cooperation with Missoula County).
Since the Lions Club took over the operation of Clearwater Park in 1996, they have added a storage building, an ice skate shed, an outhouse and an asphalt walking path. Members annually mow, control the weeds and clean up trash as well as maintain the winter ice surface for ice skating. Thanks to a recent grant award, the park soon will get new playground equipment. A tractor with mower, snow blade and sweeper brush will be purchased to help with maintenance.
The Seeley Lake Lions Club carries out many service activities designed to enhance Seeley Lake and assist those in need. Community service projects include conducting eye screening in the schools and providing eyeglasses for those unable to purchase their own; distributing emergency firewood to those in need; organizing the annual Easter Egg Hunt; hosting a chili feed at the Rich Ranch Community Appreciation Day; delivering Christmas food baskets; awarding scholarships to Seeley-Swan High School students; and participating in the state's "Adopt a Highway" cleanup.